Sermons and articles
on Compassion for Widows

Please click on the links below: let yourself be challenged by these inspiring talks and articles on caring for widows as a fundamental obligation for people of faith.

Orphans, Widows, the Poor and Oppressed     by Derek Prince  

In this challenging sermon Derek Prince teaches about God’s “righteousness”, and claims that “we can measure how much we have of God’s righteousness by the way we relate to the poor, the widows, the fatherless…”

“If we have no concern for widows and orphans, our ‘righteousness’ doesn’t impress God at all”.

This YouTube sermon is about 1 hour 18 minutes long, but it’s well worth watching. I recommend you start listening/watching at 2:55.

God's Heart for Widows                               by Dr. John Nichols

In a heartfelt conversation, Dr. John Nichols tells of the start of a dynamic ministry among widows in the Bronx, then turns to Scripture to challenge us with what God says about caring for them: “if you oppress them…I will get you. If you bless them…I will feed you.”

In this YouTube video he reminds us that God’s response to us is directly related to how much we share His heart concern for widows.

The Voice of the Widow               Luke 18:1-8      by the Rev. Charles Hoffacker

An interesting twist on the parable of the persistent widow and the unjust judge, that may help us to value widows differently.            

True Compassion Will Cost Us            by Marco Silva

In this hard-hitting blog, Marco Silva reminds us how costly compassion can be, especially when we move toward the one who is most despised in community, as widows are despised in many developing countries.

The Widow's Plight                        by Mike Jantzen

A short blog that makes a strong connection between the widow, giving her last coins in the Temple, and you and me. How did she get into that state? What is your and my responsibility?

Justice                   A Video from The Bible Project

"'Justice' is a felt need in our world today, and a controversial topic. But what is justice, exactly, and who gets to define it? In this video we'll explore the biblical theme of Justice and discover how it's deeply rooted in the storyline of the Bible..." 

This fast-moving cartoon gives us a deeper understanding of what God means when God talks about justice.

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